Memorial Day Weekend–Gooseberry Falls

We left our campground at Two Harbors and did some hiking at Gooseberry Falls, taking in a lot of very rapidly moving water along with several falls 1…2…3..4..& 5.  Yep they were all there!




Doing some Geocaching along the way of course, cuz that’s just what we do.


Course getting the box used to hold the cache open is a whole ‘nuther story!

And a one and a two and a three….pull….

Yep – ended up calling in the Calvary – thanks Dad for getting that box open so we can see what is inside!  That is the whole idea behind hunting it down!


Bampa, Mandy and Ruby are ‘helping’ of course!


More falls…. and water coming up!

I’m standing on a bridge….

They are not!  Which one of us is more brave? Smile

We have had a lot of moisture and all the falls and rivers were flowing rapidly.


Another Falls – I think this was Falls #5??  Maybe…


Standing under a bridge ‘on’ a bridge….interesting shot.

Mandy says, “We are DONE with all these falls…where is the car, I am laying down and being chauffeured back to the campground!! It is lunch time!”

And THAT was just the morning of the second day…more to come on Memorial Day Weekend up at the North Shore.

Sunday Storms



We had a lot of rain and thunderstorms going through today. At one point it was raining so hard (looks like mist on these photos perhaps, but is indeed rain) we could barely see across the street.


Though Mandy is not usually afraid of Thunderstorms, she has been more restless and a bit more nervous because she is not real fond of loud noises and sometimes the thunder has been pretty intense.  Still have a lot more of them to go, as they are supposed to keep moving through during the evening. She seems pretty calm now because we are in a lull, but as the next ones get closer hopefully there won’t be any really loud ‘thunder booms’ to stir her up again!



Last Weekend:Camping At St. Croix State Park


On the road.


Though it was a cold, very windy and rainy weekend we were off to do some Geo-caching any way.


Per usual we had a lot of navigators along to make sure we didn’t get lost.


We found this one stuck under an old wooden bridge.


Sigh, aww shucks, there are never any dog treats in those Geo-cache stashes!


Yep, they are still ‘navigating’!


We came across a big tree that had fallen down in a big windstorm. We are standing in front of the roots that had come up out of the ground.


This is the big tree that had fallen from the other side.


See all the white dots….?? We were outside and it started to rain, so we went inside the camper and started playing a game when we looked outside. We noticed it was snowing like crazy!  Not real normal weather for the second weekend in May.


Sometimes it is better to just hangout inside!



We did find a little Spring color showing up here and there, though not much!


Pretty dreary all weekend.


Sitting around the fire is nice, until the rain starts to come down again.



Pretty tiring!



Then it is time to start back home again.


It is a long drive, might as well get comfortable.

Happy Mother’s Day To All!!!

Have a great day, kick back and enjoy!


Ok, before you get the wrong idea…  We were out camping at St. Croix State Park, MN.  We do some Geocaching and normally the ‘treasures’ are found in an Ammo Box, but this time the treasures were stashed in a different container…..  A little odd, we thought – being that a lot of kids do Geocaching, But, we just roll with it all.

Double Rainbow–Has Spring Finally Sprung?



Caught this double rainbow a week or so ago, of course I think we have had a couple more snow storms since then.  But I think NOW we have finally gotten rid of winter and sprung in to Spring!  A couple of raindrops on the windshield there, so though the snow seems to have gotten out of our systems here, there is still plenty of rain in the forecast.

Free Comic Book Day… YAHOO!



Most of the characters need no introduction!




All sorts of folks turning out for this. They opened early due to ‘not so nice’ weather and the fact that the line wraps around the building. It is crazy inside ‘The Source’, which is where the free comic book days are held. (That’s the back of Little Guy’s head)






All the super heroes and even the villains are pretty nice, everyone just comes for the cool ‘stuff’ and they all get along just fine.





They even stop to pose for a group photo!




Ummm – of course, Batman (sans the 6-pack) comes in to hog the scene. But no one really seems to care.



Hey, you lookin’ at ME? Yikes!

(Oh….and we got all sorts of Free Comic Books Too!!!)