Still Dreary – November 21, 2019


Yawn….  Yet another drab beginning to the day.  Never saw the snow here but it is raining.

Not a whole lot going on.  Impeachment hearings going on in the House.  Getting ready for Thanksgiving. Getting in the food I (we) will be preparing. Looking forward to getting the tree up, it always looks so pretty and, I think, warms up the atmosphere of the new house here…though we have lived here over a  year now, it is still considered new for us.

Working on some Christmas gifts, also getting some of the shopping out of the way.

Last weekend attended two hockey games and my Grandson’s team won both.

A good start considering last year, only winning one game all season.  Finger crossed it keeps going well for them. We always enjoy going to these games and seeing our kiddos.

And that’s about it.


Lemme: Not much content but I, for one, am glad you are done. Now put the computer away, I need to use your lap.

Happy Thursday!

November 20, 2019


A few days ago we got this sunrise but lately it always looks like the below photo:


Fidget: Has anyone seen the sun lately?


The farmer has finished with his field and we are getting ready for Thanksgiving.

The photo below was taken a couple of weeks ago but I want to share it:


A lovely beginning to the day on November 2, 2019.  Colder than it should have been this time of year but at least we were allowed to see the sun.  Now it is warming up some for the next few days. However, it has been foggy in the morning and cloudy during the day, so it is kind of a trade off I guess.


Fidget: Kind of missing my sunny friend.

Happy Wednesday